Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Beyond Liability—5 Important Factors

motorcycle insurance coverage concept with back side view portrait of a red-haired woman riding a motorcycle on a city street.

Are you a new motorcycle rider? If so, welcome to the world of two-wheeled freedom. Motorcycling is an exciting and rewarding pastime, but as with many activities, it can come with some risks. That’s why having adequate insurance coverage on your bike is so important — it can help cushion the financial blow should things go wrong. In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about motorcycle insurance, from understanding your policy options to finding the best deals for new riders like yourself. So read on for our top tips and advice. 

Understand the Basics of Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle insurance is an essential part of owning a motorcycle. It covers liability if someone is injured or property is damaged in an accident and provides coverage for the motorcycle. Knowing what motorcycle insurance coverage you need can take time and effort. Legal requirements vary from state to state, so it’s worth examining your local regulations before taking out motorcycle insurance. 

Additionally, the type of motorcycle being driven will also affect the amount of motorcycle insurance coverage required, meaning it’s essential to consider whether you are buying a new or used motorcycle before hitting the road. Thankfully, motorcycle insurance policies offer a range of different levels of coverage. No matter your situation, you’ll be able to tailor a policy to suit your requirements and budget.

Standard Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Options

A motorcycle parked on the side of the road by a US border street sign

Motorcyclists require specialized insurance coverage, and various options are available. Whether you’re an experienced rider or just learning the ropes, understanding what motorcycle insurance covers is essential for protecting your investment. Let’s look at some of the standard coverage options available to help you decide which policy best fits your needs.


 This type of coverage option insures others if any property damage or bodily injury may occur due to your actions while operating your motorcycle. Liability coverage is often included as part of standard motorcycle insurance policies, though what it covers and the limits can vary depending on the policy. Therefore, review what it contains before signing up for that plan to determine precisely what does and does not fall under liability coverage for your specific policy.

Collision & Comprehensive

With comprehensive coverage, your bike will be fully protected in the event of theft, vandalism, or destruction due to a fire or collision with an animal. Collision coverage will pay to repair or replace it if your bike is damaged in an accident. You will also have the option to select what amount you want for your deductible for both comprehensive and collision coverage


Uninsured/underinsured motorcycle coverage is critical if an uninsured driver catches you off guard. When this situation arises, your motorcycle insurance will pay for any medical fees, repair work, and lost wages due to the accident — even if the other driver has no method to pay for your damages. This type of motorcycle insurance coverage keeps you from suffering financially in an unfortunate situation beyond your control.


When it comes to motorcycle insurance, Medpay is a great coverage option that can provide peace of mind when you’re out enjoying your bike. This type of coverage pays for any medical bills you or your passengers may incur in the event of an accident, regardless of who is at fault. So while motorcycle insurance might feel like an extra expense, Medpay is one way to protect you from unexpected medical costs that could arise from an accident. 

Personal Injury

This coverage can provide peace of mind by helping you cover medical and rehabilitation costs if you suffer an injury while riding. In addition, by choosing motorcycle insurance with personalized injury coverage, you could get protection from accidental death or permanent disability. A bonus: it may also help protect any replacement services or wages covered by a personal disability plan if you cannot work due to motorcycle accident injuries. 

Roadside Assistance

Standard motorcycle insurance can be a lifesaver in times of need, especially when it includes roadside assistance coverage. This type of coverage provides motorcycle owners with access to services such as emergency roadside repairs, towing, flat tire repair, and battery jumpstarts so that they never have to worry about being stranded on the side of the road after a motorcycle breakdown.


Motorcycle accessories are the fun part of owning a bike, but many riders don’t realize they can get their accessories covered with insurance too. Standard motorcycle insurance plans typically cover aftermarket or custom-made accessories that are specifically added to the bike. That could mean protective gear, saddlebags, backrests, luggage racks, windshields, lighting systems, seats, and more. Coverage for these add-ons varies depending on your unique requirements and the insurer’s policies.

Do I Need Full Coverage for My Motorcycle?

Full-coverage policies offer the most comprehensive protection for your motorcycle, typically including collision and comprehensive coverage in addition to liability. If getting an in force loan physical damage coverage may be mandatory by the bank, but otherwise physical damage coverage is usually not required. In any case, It offers an extra layer of protection compared to having standard liability coverages, typically mandated by most state laws

Federal minimums for liability coverages are about $25,000 for bodily injury per person in an accident and $50,000 total per accident; bear in mind that these amounts may not be enough to cover all costs should something terrible happen to your motorcycle. So when it comes to protecting your two-wheeled vehicle, consider getting full coverage — it might save you from major headaches down the road.

5 Factors for How Much Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Is Necessary

A smiling male motorcyclist looking at another nearby motorcycle

If you are getting liability coverage only, the most important factor an insurance agent will look at is asset protection. If you are purchasing more coverage beyond liability, there are various factors, such as your age, the type of motorcycle, and where you live that go into determining a necessary coverage amount. Here are five factors that should help you determine how much motorcycle insurance coverage is necessary beyond liabiliity. 


Your age is an essential factor when it comes to determining how much motorcycle insurance coverage is necessary. Young riders are often seen as higher-risk drivers due to their inexperience and lack of knowledge about road rules. As a result, they may require more coverage than older riders who have been riding motorcycles for years. 

Type of Motorcycle 

The type of motorcycle you are riding will also play a role in determining how much coverage is necessary. For example, a sport bike with an engine capacity over 500cc will likely require more coverage than an electric scooter or moped with a smaller engine size. In addition, luxury bikes typically cost more to insure than standard models. 

Intended Use 

How you plan to use your motorcycle can also affect how much coverage is necessary. If you plan to use it for recreational purposes only (e.g., weekend rides), then your coverage needs may differ from someone who intends to use their bike as their primary mode of transportation (e.g., commuting). Similarly, if you plan to take long trips on your bike or participate in competitive events, then additional coverage may be needed to protect yourself and your property from potential risks and liabilities associated with these activities. 

Type of Coverage  

Various motorcycle insurance policies are available, each offering different protection and benefits. For example, comprehensive policies cover damages caused by incidents other than collisions (such as theft or vandalism). In contrast, liability policies only cover damages caused by collisions between two motorcycles or between a motorcyclist and another vehicle, person, or object (i.e. mailbox or fence) on the road. In addition, specific policies may be more suitable for you depending on your specific needs and circumstances. So it’s essential to consider all options before deciding which one best meets your needs and budget.  

 State Requirements  

Lastly, it’s vital to research state-specific requirements when shopping for motorcycle insurance since states often have specific laws dictating minimum levels of required coverage for motorcyclists operating within their borders. Doing so will ensure that you are adequately protected against potential liabilities and remain compliant with local law enforcement regulations — both key considerations when deciding how much insurance protection is suitable for your situation. 

Motorcycle Insurance Requirements for IN, KY and IL 

If you live in Indiana, Kentucky, or Illinois and want motorcycle insurance, Torian will have you covered. Operating primarily in these three states, Torian offers insurance plans that meet the minimum liability requirements of each state. In particular, the recommended liability coverage for Indiana and Kentucky is $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident/$10,000 in property damage, while for Illinois, it’s $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident/$20,000 in property damage. You can learn more about coverage in other states here.

Happy Revving!

A group of motorcyclists riding on a highway on a sunny day

Motorcycle insurance coverage is essential for new riders to have a safe and enjoyable experience while out on the road. By following these helpful tips, you will be able to get the most out of your policy and know that you are protected in case of an accident. 

And if you live, work or have a small business in Evansville, Indiana; Newburgh, Indiana; or the tri-state area of Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky, look no further than Torian Insurance for all your personal and business insurance needs. With decades of experience helping people select the right policies, we will work with you to find the best coverage at an affordable price. Contact Torian Insurance today to ensure that you’re adequately covered.

This content is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with their insurance provider or other qualified professional before making any decisions based on the information in this blog. The team at Torian Insurance is happy to help answer any of your questions.

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